August 18, 2016 Gabo Garcia

Coco Beldina: the newest addition to our family.

Life as I knew it changed forever on August 18th. My daughter Coco Beldina was born weighting a beautiful 9 lbs 1 oz.  The moment I heard her cry for the first time it became a reality.

Such a blessing to hold her.

Such a blessing to hold her.

Coco was finally here! I was so exited to receive my second child to this world. As the day went by a notice a much different feeling was compared to Niko just 20 months ago.  Our second time around felt more relaxed and enjoyable, but don’t think for a moment that this will be easy… I will share with you the 3 most important things to remember in this new journey that has help us this first couple of weeks.



Here are my top 3 advice for you:

Party of 4

Party of 4

Flexibility: Now that your life has a plus 1 you have to embrace the fact that  to be flexible in every way will only make the situation better. Planning and timing take no place in this new adventure. It will serve you well to be able to think on the go and make decisions as things are changing rapidly. The schedule that you had down with one now becomes a challenge as your little one will throw as many curve balls as she can possibly think off, be ready and step up to the plate. Be flexible my friend… trust me.

*Baby wrap holder: Boba

*My T-shirt by Travis Matthews

The angel Coco Beldina.

The angel Coco Beldina.

Enjoy it: When life gets tough it easy to forget to enjoy the moment. I made it a priority as I have done for most of my life to always find the positive side of things. Going into this new stage of our lives I have used this and I can say that I am having a blast seeing my two kids grow. It is such a blessing that can be over shadowed by the stress and work load, but make sure to remind yourself to enjoy it… it will be behind you before you know it.

Coco's first stroll in Fashion Island.

Coco’s first stroll in Fashion Island.

Recycle: No I’m not talking about cans a and glass… I mean use as much as possible whatever you have left from your first child. We made sure to hold on to many of Niko’s stuff to be able to reuse with Coco now. There is no need to go out an buy more “stuff” if you are like most people you probably bought much more than you needed the first time anyways so re use it and enjoy the savings.

One of our strollers: Bugaboo

  1. Coco Beldina first car ride.

    Coco Beldina first car ride.

    Enjoying Coco to the fullest.

    Enjoying Coco to the fullest.

    The journey has started and I look forward to all the experiences that these two babies will bring. I invite you to follow me and enjoy a part of this crazy Gabo Style life.


    Coco and Niko LOVE

    If you have a question please don’t hesitate to drop a comment bellow!

    Coco and Niko

    Coco and Niko

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